Papers have to be submitted electronically (in PDF format) with using EasyChair Paper Submission Form


Your papers will be checked by our reviewers. In case your papers contain mistakes you will be asked to correct them and update your abstract.


Papers will be revised during 10 days after submission. You will receive further instructions after successful revision.


The Workshop is soliciting research papers including, whilst not limited to, the following areas of interest:

  • Analytical methods
  • Ontological engineering
  • Business analysis of information processes
  • Big data analysis
  • Analytical data warehouses
  • Cloud services
  • Repositories and data spaces
  • Data consolidation technologies
  • Computer linguistics
  • Machine Learning Applications
  • Recommendation system with collaborative filtering
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Acquisition and Wrangling
  • Machine Learning
  • Clustering
  • Neural Networks
  • Classification algorithms
  • Regression algorithms
  • Training (weight optimization) using backpropagation
  • Gradient descent
  • Setting the learning rate of your neural network
  • Deep neural networks
  • Batch normalization
  • Convolutional neural networks
  • Image segmentation
  • Object detection (YOLO, SSD, Faster R-CNN)
  • Evaluating object detection models
  • Facial recognition
  • Recurrent neural networks
  • Transformer networks
  • Siamese networks
  • Reinforcement Learning

Authors are requested to follow the CEUR-WS template.

You can download DOCX template here or TEX template here


General requirements:

1.1. As it is stated at, the minimum size of the paper is 10 pages, except for invited papers (represented by keynote speakers).
1.2. The paper shall be original, i.e. not published in earlier proceedings.
1.3. The paper format and style shall be as per the CEUR template. This is one of the main requirements of the publisher An example of paper formatting together with short explanations can be downloaded here.
Note: If Google Chrome blocks file download, please, right-click the link, choose “Save link as” and go for file directory in the dialog box. Then, click the arrow in the bottom panel of the browser and choose “Save”.
The authors are responsible for submitting papers in the required formats and styles. In case of non-conformance with the CEUR template, the Program Committee reserves the right to reject the paper even if it has been successfully peer-reviewed.
1.4. The paper shall represent the author’s development/know-how and contain new solutions to the problem related to the topic of the conference. The review papers are not accepted!
1.5. The paper shall be prepared in English and carefully spell-checked before being submitted for review.
1.6. The paper as well as its camera-ready version is to be submitted within the deadlines set up by the Program Committee.
1.7. The article shall be corrected in line with the reviewers’ observations, comments and recommendations.
1.8. The paper shall be converted into PDF format and submitted for review via the EasyChair platform. Before submission, the author shall ensure the absence of formatting errors.
1.9. Each paper shall be accompanied by the Author Agreement duly filled and signed as required by The template of the author agreement will be sent by the Organizing Committee together with the notification of paper acceptance. The Author agreement is to be filled and signed by hand and submitted in pdf format as a photo image or scan copy. This is one of the main requirements of the publisher
The lack, improper filling or non-submission of the Author Agreement in due time specified by the Program Committee will be a cause for rejection of the paper by the Program Committee even if it has been successfully peer-reviewed.

Requirements to the authors
2.1. As required by, at least one author of the submission must have at least 5 papers listed in DBLP.
New unofficial and nonpublic CEUR requirement: The indicators basically show the current footprints of your authors within the INDEX service provided by DBLP ( Rules for the authors, who have high indicators in DBLP :
(1) Only count peer-reviewed papers! For example, ARXIV papers are generally not peer-reviewed.
(2) Do not include CEUR-WS papers in the DBLP footprint
(3) Do not include data from other bibliography sources such as SCOPUS. Only use DBLP!
We expect the following minimum scores in the participant INDEX page: for Authors 5 papers or more for at least one author of a submitted paper
To check the number of your papers in DBLP, please, go to the DBLP site:
2.2. The author with the maximum number of papers in DBLP shall go first in the article.
New unofficial and nonpublic CEUR requirement: authors should be placed in the order of their DBLP numbers. We recommend that paper contributor will be author with biggest DBLP and placed as first author.
2.3. One of the authors shall be at least a Candidate in Sciences (PhD).
2.4. The students and PhD students are allowed to be included as co-authors provided that they have been involved in the research / or experiments described in the paper.

Requirements to the subject domain of the papers
3.1. All the papers to be submitted for the conference shall be dedicated to Computer Sciences.
3.2. The vast majority of papers included in the proceedings have at least one author coming from a computer science department and/or having a computer-science degree (or a related discipline such as information systems, business informatics).
3.3. The papers in the proceedings mainly apply research methods from computer science (or a related discipline such as information systems, business informatics). It is not sufficient to use computer programs as a tool for facilitating the research methods from another discipline such as material science.

Content and formatting
4.1. As per requirements, the topic of the research shall be directly related to computer sciences, information systems and information technologies.
4.2. The obligatory sections of the paper are as follows:

Introduction (the relevance, goal and tasks of the research proposed): up to 1 page;
Related Works (detailed survey of the latest similar developments on the research topic; if the goal and tasks are not specified in the introduction, they should be indicated in this section): from 1 to 3 pages;
Methods / Methods and Materials (methods and/or techniques proposed to resolve the problem in question): 2 or more pages;
Experiment (experimental part demonstrating the applicability of the technique or technology proposed to resolve the problem in consideration): 2 or more pages;
Results (the experiment results obtained by applying the method(s) and/or technology and shown using tables and/or figures): 2 or more pages;
Discussions (the author’s or authors’ interpretation of the obtained research results and their comparison with the results of previous research): 1 or more pages;
Conclusions (summarization of the results obtained and the prospects of the research): up to 1 page;
References (list of the literature sources used): at least 10 sources.

4.3. The last page of the paper shall be at least 80% full.
4.4. The paper title shouldn’t be too long (max. 13 words including THE, IN, FOR etc.) and shall strictly correspond to the results of the research being described in the paper. Please avoid using the same words and brackets in the title of the article!
4.5. The reference list shall include 10 or more items. At least 70% of them are to be sources published for the last 3-5 years. The rate of self-citation (author’s reference to his publications) shall not exceed 10%.
4.6. The foreign sources shall be of great majority in the reference list. In the case of non-English literature, the authors shall provide transliteration or transliteration with translation in square brackets.
Most of the sources listed in the reference list shall be periodicals (journal articles). Referencing non-periodical literature such as textbooks shall be minimized.
4.7. The figures, diagrams, and images shall be of high quality to be reproduced in CEUR-WS proceedings. All graphic materials shall go with appropriate inscriptions.
4.8. All the abbreviations, if any, need preliminary expansion. The letters and numbers in formulae and formulae fragments in the text are to be of the same size.
4.9. Footnotes and page numbers shall be absent in the paper. The footers except for the first page are to be blank. The footer on the first page is formatted according to the CEUR-WS template.

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism
5.1. The maximum permissible rate of plagiarism / self-plagiarism is 20% with a reference list or 10% without a reference list. If plagiarism or self-plagiarism exceeds the maximum permissible rate, the Program Committee reserves the right to reject the paper without explanations even if it has been successfully peer-reviewed. All the borrowings must have references to respective sources!
5.2. The self-citation rate for each source should not exceed 3% with the obligatory provision of the reference to the source.
5.3. The quotations from other literature which illustrate a particular method are recommended to be given as a drawing with obligatory reference to the source.
5.4. The self-citation rate does not exceed 20% (all authors together) with the obligatory provision of the reference to the source.